I’m Buying An IPad Mini. Can I Use My IPhone Apps?

The iPad Mini is the latest innovation from Appleâ??s considerably-sized fleet of gadgets. As usual, Apple fans are quick to buy it up, gladly checking out the latest gadget to see how it compares with the rest.

However, not all of us have the funds that allow us to constantly shell out dough for the latest technology. For some of us, buying an iPad Mini might represent the most significant electronic investment weâ??ve made in some time. If thatâ??s the case for you, itâ??s no wonder that youâ??re worried about the apps youâ??ll be able to use on the iPad Mini.

An iPhone next to an iPad Mini.

If you already own an iPhone and have come to rely on those apps to get through your day-to-day routine, then youâ??re likely wondering one thing: can I use the same iPhone apps on the iPad Mini? Itâ??s a simple question but has an response that requires a little bit of context and nuance. Letâ??s get started with the answer.

The iPad Mini Capabilities: An Overview

The iPad Mini, despite its diminutive size, is not a step backwards in technology. True, the gadget is somewhat limited by its hardware and actual size, especially if you compare it to a regular iPad. But consider this: the iPad Mini is still larger than the iPhone, which means itâ??s just as easy to store the kinds of app downloads youâ??ve been using with your iPhone.

Apps for your iPad.

Take a look through Appleâ??s iPad Mini app store to see if the app youâ??ve been using so religiously on your iPhone is also available for the iPad Mini. Chances are that you came to this article with a specific app in mind which means we canâ??t really help you. The good news is that look it up for yourself!

If you are still wondering about whether the entire suite of traditional Apple â??appsâ? are available on the iPad Mini, consider all of these apps and programs that are ready for download on your Mini:

  • GarageBand

  • iBooks

  • iTunes U

  • Keynote

  • iPhoto

  • Find My iPhone

That last one in particular should tell you that buying an iPad Mini will not be a stark departure from your iPhone but rather an extension of the portable technology you already use.

Choosing an iTunes gift card for the app.

How to Make the Most of Your Apps

Once youâ??re used to the idea of using your favorite (and most familiar) apps on the iPad Mini, you should be ready to make the most of them. But, if you donâ??t yet own an iPad Mini or an iPhone and want to preview some of these apps, be sure to acquire an iPod Touch.

The iPod Touch is a gadget released by Apple that has much of the functionality of many of their higher-level technologies â?? usually with a few core features missing. But itâ??s a great starting point if you want to learn about apps via the iPod Touch.

Carrie Thompson loves her tech gadgets and writing about them while working online from home.


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